Thursday 17 July 2014

Clearing Out Your Mind

I once read from a book that there are an average of 50,000 thoughts produced in our brain every day! 50,000 thoughts, no joke indeed! The thoughts may arise when we see or hear something and communicate with others. In fact, whatever we sense could produce a certain thought. Some thoughts are beneficial to us such as ideas to achieve certain things but unfortunately majority of the 50,000 thoughts are useless and even negative.

We may think about a project that we are going to do later today or tomorrow. And when we think about it, sometimes we get worries, stress and confusion. At the same time we miss out on what is happening around us right now. This is simply because we can't predict the future, no one ever could. The best way to remove the worries we have on certain things is to go ahead and do it. For example, you may be thinking about building a timber gate from scratch. You then think about how to join the timber pieces together and so on. You won't erect a gate by just thinking about it. And when you think without doing anything, tension is created deep in your mind because you haven't achieve anything that you are 'thinking' of doing yet. You are giving pressure to yourself. It is fine to sketch out a drawing of the gate to see how many piece of wood you need and their individual lengths required. You then put it aside if you have no intention to do it today. You only think about it again when you are about to commence on the project, that is when you go out to purchase the material, bring them to site and start working hard on it.

There are basically 2 ways to keep the mind fit and in healthy shape. First of all is through meditation so that the mind can rest. Secondly is to clear our mental clog regularly so that there is no negative deposits from the past still clinging on to our minds. Our mind is like everything else, it needs constant maintenance. Without continuously taking care of it, our  mind will get tired and produce all sorts of negative emotions within us which in turn affect our behaviour towards others.

We can't solve all the problems in life by just thinking about them, we have to gets our hand dirty to actually do it. When you start doing it, you would find that most of the worries you have previously would be solved by themselves and your mind becomes clearer and clearer. Remember that Rome was not built in a single day. We must acknowledge that everything takes time. Don't put emphasis to much on the end result as the process is equally important. Enjoy every single moment of the journey towards your destination. 

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