Friday 25 July 2014

Birds Can Help You Meditate

Some might think that meditation is so simple, you just sit there closing your eyes and do nothing. If it is so easy, then we won't have so many stressful people around, don't we? 

Much to the contrary, meditation is indeed very challenging especially to beginners. I remember that when I first tried to meditate, I couldn't achieve any peace of mind throughout the duration at all. My mind would kept wandering off and focus all the plans, problems and worries I had at the time. I found myself even more stressful after the meditation. Fortunately through persistence practice and a lot of patience, I'm glad that I'm now able to meditate for an hour without any problem. 

It is like when you first try to ride a bicycle, you kept falling but you stood up and try again. Eventually you can now ride a bicycle without having to worry about whether you should put your leg on the peddle first or balancing yourself by steering the handle and so on. The same goes for meditation, you need to continuously practice it to do it better and better by gradually letting go of everything that is troubling your mind. Remember that you are gaining back your personal space 100% back to yourself when you meditate. Ideally no one should disturb you during the process so that you could fully be absorbed into the moment.

If you still can't get into deep meditation, then there is still one more technique you can use which I just discovered this morning. I woke up at 6.30am and meditated on my bed. I got into the meditative state quite fast today probably because of the quiet environment in the morning. Then I noticed that the birds outside my apartment were chirping. It was probably their version of morning rush hour going to work. However, their chirping frenzies produced such beautiful sounds to my ear that I found myself completely surrounded by this fresh and harmonious melody. In fact they are still doing it now while I am writing this post although in lesser amount as most of them must have taken off somewhere hunting for breakfast. It was indeed music to my ears. I didn't think of anything at that time when I meditated, I just totally focus on those beautiful sounds and enjoy the moment. 

Thank you birds for making my meditation went so smoothly today!

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