Friday 22 May 2015

How To Deal With Negative People

The lotus has always been a symbol that best represents Buddhism. Lotus grows in the mud; a slimy and dirty environment. And yet it remains pure and beautiful as if it is not affected by its negative surroundings. 
Lotus is a symbolic object about life itself. There are a lucky few who grow up in almost ideal environment but most of us live in a somewhat challenging circumstances. There are people living in the slum where hygene is an illusive luxury as survival is the number one thing that people are worry about.
You may not be growing up in a slum but you are surrounded by negative people nonetheless. They are your coworkers, friends and even family members. 
If you have abusive colleagues who constantly is trying to take advantage of you, then at least the best thing you could do is to just focus on your task to get the job done and not take things too personal. After all you only have to deal with them the most 2 hours everyday in the office, the rest of the time you are just doing your work at your desk and you don't have to see him after 5!  
If you feel that your boss is always not satisfy with your work no matter how hard you try, then at least tell yourself that you have given your best and it is his loss for not appreciating it. You can't satisfy everybody. There bound to be someone out there who are jealous of you and feeding wrong and bad information to your boss behind your back. You can't really do much about this as you can't control other people's actions. But you can control how you react to the situation. You can complain why these things always happen to you, why is it that you always get unfair treatment in the workplace and start blaming the world for it. OR, you could react in a more positive way by understanding that nothing is permanent, thing changes every second and you are just working in this particular office temporarily. What you have is the experience of NOW and that experience cannot be taken away from you by anyone trying to ruin your day. Tell yourself that nothing will affect your appreciation of life even if people trying to sabotage your position in the workplace. Worse case scenario you just work for other people or start your own business.

If the negative energy comes from your friends, it is still manageable as you don't hang out with your friends everyday. The most is once a week for gatherings and if you don't enjoy it then simply don't attend.
The most difficult situation to handle is when you are dealing with your own family members who constantly giving out negative energy around them. Sometime they could be abusive too by shouting at you or physically hurting you. Of course you could at first look at the whole situation compassionately by trying to understand where they stand. Maybe there is something that makes them unhappy over time and they are now releasing all the negative energy that has until now being kept inside them. If there is the case, try to figure out whether there is anything that you could do to solve the problem. If on the other hand they are simply being unreasonable then try not to retaliate at first because if you do you would make the matter worse. Let them throw their tantrum and soon they would cool down as they feel better. Only when you sense that they have ease down, then you could try and talk to them, make them understand how their actions made you feel. Try to find a mutually beneficial solution.
Life is never easy because every individual is unique and different. When ideas collide, argument arises and emotions are being attacked. Try to keep a cool head all the time so that you have a better perspective of the situation.

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