Saturday 11 April 2015

Fighting Emptiness

One of the most common question that everyone would ask himself is the meaning of life. Humans have been pondering upon this timeless question since the beginning of history. It is wonderful if you are curious about life and therefore search deep down for an answer. However, most of us are not so wise that we usually feel hopeless, helpless and the scariest of all - empty.

There are times when we wake up in the morning and wonder what is the meaning of all this. A sense of losing direction grip us tightly and our emotion spirals downward. It is very important that whenever you feel empty, you must cut short that feeling as soon as possible and do not allow it to linger on inside you. Find something you enjoy and do it immediately. If you like reading, quickly grab hold of any book the moment you feel empty. Indulge yourself in the book mindfully and you will soon forget about that empty feeling without even noticing it. If reading is not really your thing, then just do whatever you enjoy, exercising, fishing, gardening or whatever that could raise your spirit while doing it.

The key here is to not let our mind idle for too long for the mind would wander wildly in any directions whenever we have nothing to do. Keep yourself busy by engaging your mind and body in activities that could give you sense of fulfillment.

An idle mind is like an vacant building. If a building is left unoccupied for a long period of time, it gradually becomes haven for drug addicts, rats and all sorts of pest. This will not happen if the building is occupied and maintained by people residing in it.

I remember when I was just a kid and was asked by my teacher to write an essay on 'Hobby'. It was a good exercise because when you are writing something that you enjoy doing, you feel good instantly.

Find as many activities that will make you smile and try to at lease do one of them each day to have a purpose driven life.

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